Green With Envy – WIP Complete

I have reached the nearly finished stage of this painting.  I will stare at it and scrutinize it for a few days to see if I feel the need to go back in and color balance or make any adjustments at this time. The amount of work on this painting reminds me a lot ofContinue reading “Green With Envy – WIP Complete”

Green, Greenish?

Ah…the colour of lush gardens and spring and grass and the lawn after a good rain.  Green conjures up so many images in my mind.  I remember that as a little girl no more than seven years old, I thought emerald-green was the most beautiful colour in the entire world.  My father once drove acrossContinue reading “Green, Greenish?”

WIP – Hosta la Vista Baby and why someone should really help me name this one

 And  so it began.  A while back I was approached by a client who saw my hosta painting “Sunshine Shadows”  in acrylic.  She mentioned that both she and she husband are hosta enthusiasts and they would love a hosta painting.  No… no… no… not the painting I had already painted. Apparently my prized hosta  isContinue reading “WIP – Hosta la Vista Baby and why someone should really help me name this one”

East Coast Mermaid

Helping you develop a coastal crush on New Brunswick

The Practical Art World

A guide for artists navigating the business side of the art world.

Song Birds In Wood

Fine Wood Carvings by Norrie Hill

David Ladmore

Paintings and Hand-Pulled Prints - Landscape and Figurative Art

Bitsy's Blog

Confessions of a struggling artist

jeanjoel spatafora

So here we are...

Ranjini V's

Colored Pencil Diary


My Artistic Expression of Life with Cancer


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Art et Technique / Art and technics

Un peu de tout peinture, pastel, logiciel 3d et autres / A bit of everything painting, pastel, 3d softwares and a bit more

Donna Snyder

Coloring my world

Kings County Studio Tour

Dates for next year will be set in early 2023

Plugged In Work

Career and Workplace Success

The Fundy Gallery of Art

Saint John's Longest Running Artist's Cooperative